Monday, August 24, 2015

Hannah Free (2009)

Set mostly in a nursing home, 70-something Hannah is kept separate from her lifelong friend and lover Rachel, who is not expected to emerge from her coma. The nurses follow the orders of Rachel's daughter Marge, who claims her mother would be upset by a visit from Hannah.
While Hannah's heart is breaking at the thought of not being able to say goodbye, her mind is full of memories of their life together, and she is frequently visited by a younger, spirit Rachel. Hannah sees, hears, and experiences her, but to anyone else, Hannah appears to be talking to herself. Frustrated by feeling like a prisoner, Hannah grumbles, pleads to see Rachel, and writes in her journal. The backstory gradually emerges.
Hannah transitioned easily from tomboy to openly gay while Rachel gave in to societal expectations, married, raised twins, and kept one foot in the closet most of her life, even though everyone knew about her and Hannah. Having Hannah around was like flying a rainbow flag. Hannah was born to wander. Rachel never left Michigan, but Hannah spent time in Alaska, South America, and during WWII, stationed in New Mexico as a WAC. She had affairs with other women in her travels and they remained good friends, but Rachel always was her true love. There are many flashbacks that show Hannah and Rachel in many aspects of their relationship: being in love, making love, and arguing.
In the nursing home, Hannah deals with the annoying but well-meaning staff members, a bewildered resident, a nasty evangelist, and an equally nasty Marge. The arrival of 21-year-old Greta serves as a catalyst to get Hannah out of bed and into Rachel's room. Greta poses as a random student doing an interview for class, but turns out to be Rachel's biological great-granddaughter, whom Hannah had only met as a young child. Greta has a complicated relationship with her grandmother, Marge, who has never truly accepted Hannah as any sort of important mother figure. Greta, a young lesbian, is fully committed to the rights of Hannah and Rachel, and schemes to bring the family together.
In an emotional final scene, Rachel lays comatose, while Hannah, Marge and Greta hash out their differences. Together, they say goodbye to Rachel, and lovingly set her free.

Director: Wendy Jo Carlton
Stars: Sharon Gless, Maureen Gallagher, Kelli Strickland

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